Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ANC 3/4 G on the Triangle BZA Application

As had been announced in May, a developer's plan to build a house on a lot in the middle of a block bordered by Chevy Chase Parkway, Harrison Street and Reno Road came to discussion at the recent ANC 3/4 G Meeting.

At issue is a Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) application seeking relief for an undeveloped alley, in order to have enough space to build the house. After 45 minutes of presentation and discussion, the ANC voted 5-2 (Levine and McCarthy in the minority) to oppose the Application. In a move reminiscent of the Shoemaker discussion, the ANC is allowing the dissenting Commissioners to submit a minority letter. This seems to be unique to ANC 3/4G, and as indicated at the meeting, is a procedure introduced and approved earlier this year as part of a by-law revision.

I wonder how many people in the affected ANC are aware of this?

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