Monday, February 16, 2009

CPCA rejects Giant

In an unsurprising move, the Cleveland Park Citizens Association on Sunday voted to approve a resolution offered by the Executive Committee. By a count of 32-4, the membership supported a resolution that called for 1) the demonstration that the developer show proof of financing for the whole project prior to any construction commencing and 2) to oppose the project as proposed and argue for its rejection before the Zoning Commission.

The meeting was charaacterized by President George Idelson:

After spirited discussion at a well attended Sunday meeting, members of the the Cleveland Park Citizens Association voted by an overwhelming majority to ratify the resolution drafted by its executive committee. The resolution withholds support for the Giant proposal in its present form. It states that while CPCA supports a large new supermarket and has worked hard to get one, the applicant needs to demonstrate why it cannot achieve that goal without zoning changes creating much higher density and other negative impact on the community. The resolution also asks the Zoning Commission to require that Giant have a financing commitment to complete the job before starting to build. (We don't want to be left with a hole in the ground or more evicted stores.)

This is not the first time the CPCA or other Cleveland Park entities conducted business on a holiday weekend, with scant notice to the community. Further, the CPCA had already filed opposition papers with the zoning commission on this proposal making this vote simple window dressing. However, the Association appears to be a pariah in the community.

ANC 3C, the Woodley Park Community Association, Mass Ave Heights, various condominiums and the Woodland-Normanstone Community Association are among the groups in support of the project (even with conditions).

In addition, the Office of Planning and the District Department of Transportation have issued reports supporting the PUD.

This sets up a very long hearing process where immediate neighbors and the CPCA will be fighting the proposal, while the other neighbors and organizations will support it.

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